Tips?1,000 tips = ₱1.00

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Advantage of FREE tips from Tippeers Tipbox

There are other tipping tools online but all of them require money to send tips. The Tippeers Tipbox is the first tipping portal that allows anyone to send FREE tips without spending a single cent.

This is a breakthrough opportunity for content creators, especially streamers, vloggers & influencers. Finally, they will be able to receive tips from their supporters who don’t have money.

According to datareportal, there were 85.16 million internet users in the Philippines at the start of 2023, when internet penetration stood at 73.1 percent. Based on our initial survey, 8 out of 10 internet users are online but don’t have money, or just looking for opportunities online.

A typical streamer can receive stars or streaming gifts at approximately 10-15% from their subscribers, the rest are just watching and sharing. The Tippeers Tipbox can unlock the potential of those subscribers who don’t have money, they can simply send FREE tips in just a few clicks. This opportunity is great for those supporters who have limited financial capability.

Tippeers Tipbox can send FREE tips from nonmembers only, but it will also allow a registered member to send up to ₱5,000 worth of tips per day from financially capable supporters.

Is it FREE to have a Tipbox from Tippeers Community? Yes! Tipbox is totally FREE!

What are the requirements? You just have to complete your profile and verify your account. That’s it! no other heavy requirements.

Email Verification vs Account Verification

Email verification and account verification are two separate processes.

  1. Email verification is an activation email for the system to verify that you’re using a valid and active email address.
  2. Account verification is to verify your identity, and is also required for the redemption of your tips into cash.

Those two are very important to maintain the cleanliness of our community. Other social media are infested with fake accounts and scammers, some of them are hackers, and we don’t want them here.

Can I Use Tips from Tippeers as Payment Method?

In compliance with the Republic Act No. 11127, or the National Payment Systems Act, we cannot use digital tips as any form of payment method, either offline or online, to protect our economy from systemic risk. However, tips (digital tips) can be redeemed for eGifts & Games Credits, because those are digital products and don’t have VAT on them.

National Payment Systems Act (NPSA)

Republic Act No. 11127, or the National Payment Systems Act (NPSA), provides a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework that supports the twin objectives of maintaining a payment system that is necessary to control systemic risk and provide an environment conducive to the sustainable growth of the economy.

A payment system provides the channels through which funds are transferred among banks and other institutions to discharge payment obligations arising from economic and financial transactions across the entire economy. An efficient, secure, and reliable payment system reduces the cost of exchanging goods and services. It is an essential tool for the effective implementation of monetary policy, and the smooth functioning of money and capital markets.

The NPSA mandates the BSP to oversee payment systems in the Philippines and exercise supervisory and regulatory powers to ensure the stability and effectiveness of the monetary and financial system.

Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001

The Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) was created pursuant to Republic Act No. 9160, otherwise known as the “Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001” (AMLA), to protect the integrity and confidentiality of bank accounts and to ensure that the Philippines shall not be used as a money laundering site for the proceeds of any unlawful activity.

Tippeers Community imposed a limitation on daily transactions to prevent unlawful activity, especially with money laundering.

An account verification is also required to receive tips from anyone within the Tippeers Community. This is a part of KYC or “Know Your Customer” process which can lower the risk of scams and irregular activities within our community.

Tippeers Community – Scam or Legit

What is the main indication of a scam?

First, they will ask for payment before you earn, and that is a clear red flag. We do not ask for any payment for you to start earning tips. Our verification is also free.

If not asking for payment, then what is “Top Up Tips”?

That is not a payment (see FAQs), the digital tips by the Tippeers Community are just like the stars on other social media. If you experienced buying stars to send it to a streamer, then it is the same thing.

Where do the other free tips come from?

If it’s still not yet obvious, it is coming from sponsors and advertisements. Other social media share their income with content creators, vloggers, influencers & streamers (with heavy and time-consuming requirements) but not with their normal members, on Tippeers Community, we share it with all our members with a simple requirement, a verified account.

Is “digital tips” Taxable

The tips on Tippeers Community are not taxable because it is given to you voluntarily. It cannot be included as income tax because it is not an income from a service or a job. The tips on Tippeers Community is just a digital tip.

Digital tips, often referred to as digital gratuities or e-tips, are monetary expressions of appreciation given to service providers or content creators in digital or online environments. The traditional concept of tipping, where cash is handed directly to a service provider, has evolved with the rise of digital platforms and online transactions. Here are some key aspects and use cases of digital tips:

Online Transactions

Digital tips are commonly associated with online transactions, especially in industries where services or content are delivered digitally.
Examples include online streaming platforms, virtual events, e-commerce websites, and digital service providers.

Content Creators

Content creators on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, or other social media platforms may receive digital tips as a way for viewers to show appreciation for their work. Viewers can use various digital currencies, in-platform currencies, or third-party payment systems to send tips to content creators.

Streaming Services

Musicians, artists, and performers who provide digital content, such as live streaming performances or digital downloads, can receive digital tips from their audience.

Service Platforms

In the gig economy, platforms for freelancers or service providers may include options for clients to leave digital tips as a token of appreciation for good service.

Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001

The Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) was created pursuant to Republic Act No. 9160, otherwise known as the “Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001” (AMLA), to protect the integrity and confidentiality of bank accounts and to ensure that the Philippines shall not be used as a money laundering site for the proceeds of any unlawful activity.

Tippeers Community is not a bank or any financial institution, but we will not allow unlawful activity here in our community. We reserve the right to block any suspicious activity without any prior notice.

Our verification requirement is a part of our compliance with the “Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001” (AMLA). Other than that we have set a maximum daily transfer of 5,000,000 tips per day or equivalent to ₱5,000.

The Economics of Online Communities

In the fascinating realm of online communities, a distinctive trend has emerged – platforms that not only facilitate engagement but also reward their members with tips. This case study takes a deep dive into the intricate ecosystem of online communities that pay tips and explores the intriguing dynamics that fuel the abundance of advertisements within these rewarding spaces.

The Genesis of Tip-Paying Communities

Online communities that offer monetary incentives to their members have carved a unique niche in the digital landscape. These platforms acknowledge the value of user-generated content and community participation, providing a tangible reward in the form of tips or microtransactions. This innovative approach not only fosters a sense of appreciation but also attracts a motivated and engaged user base.

The Virtuous Cycle of Engagement and Earnings

In these tip-paying communities, the more users engage, contribute, and participate, the more they stand to earn. This virtuous cycle creates a self-sustaining ecosystem where members are incentivized to be active contributors, leading to a rich tapestry of user-generated content. As engagement levels soar, advertisers recognize the immense potential of reaching a highly involved and motivated audience.

Targeted Advertising in Tip-Paying Communities

The essence of targeted advertising is heightened in communities that pay tips. Advertisers capitalize on the granular data available about users’ interests, preferences, and behaviors to craft personalized campaigns. By aligning ads with the community’s focus areas, brands can maximize their impact and resonate with an audience that is not only receptive but also financially motivated to engage.

Monetization, Member Rewards, and Ad Revenue

For the operators of tip-paying communities, striking a delicate balance between member rewards, platform sustainability, and user satisfaction is imperative. Ad revenue plays a pivotal role in funding the tips distributed to members, ensuring a symbiotic relationship where both users and advertisers contribute to the financial health of the community.

Navigating the Fine Line

Maintaining harmony in communities that pay tips requires careful navigation. While members appreciate the financial incentives, an overload of ads can disrupt the user experience. Community administrators must strike a balance that keeps both advertisers and members satisfied, ensuring that the platform remains an attractive space for meaningful interactions and financial rewards.


The surge in ads within online communities that pay tips is not just a byproduct of chance but a strategic response to the evolving landscape of user engagement and monetization. By understanding the symbiotic relationship between ad revenue, member rewards, and community sustainability, operators can continue to foster thriving spaces where users are not only compensated for their contributions but also exposed to relevant and engaging advertising content. In this dynamic landscape, the fusion of community engagement and economic incentives creates a win-win scenario for both members and advertisers.